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March 11, 2024
‘Directly Responsible’: Senator Blackburn Explains How Biden Caused Crime and Inflation Surge

Senator Marsha Blackburn criticizes President Biden, linking his policies to rising crime and inflation.

She attributes these issues to his executive orders on immigration and economic decisions, highlighting the negative impact on border security and the economy.


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March 14, 2024
‘Core of the Corruption’: Dr. Pierre Kory Calls Out Medical Journals

Dr. Pierre Kory highlights how pharmaceutical companies have influenced the medical community to favor COVID vaccines over alternative treatments.

He points out that the root of corruption is at the level of medical journals, emphasizing their bias against specific treatments like ivermectin.


March 12, 2024
Dr. Phil Rips US Government: ‘… You Damn Well Knew What You Were Doing When You Did It!’

Dr. Phil doesn’t hold back in criticizing the government’s actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was a premeditated crime against humanity.

Dr. Phil highlights how extensive financial incentives to stay home lead to wasted resources, supply chain disruptions, and the shutdown of small businesses.

However, the economic turmoil is just the tip of the iceberg.

Full 𝕏 Post: https://x.com/ungathegreat/status/1767695154389963228

January 13, 2024
Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘USFDA Has Gone Rogue… It Is Off the Rails’

Dr. Peter McCullough expressed disappointment with Anthony Fauci’s recent congressional testimony, criticizing the lack of focus on the creation of SARS-CoV-2 in the Wuhan lab.

“The House Select Committee had a wonderful opportunity to ask Fauci about his involvement in the creation of SARS-CoV-2… instead, they asked him about six-foot social distancing… I was enormously disappointed… Fauci skated away.”

When asked the reason for such softball questions, Dr. McCullough responded in part:

“… I have to believe at some point in time the government itself has culpability for the creation of the pandemic…”


September 12, 2024

Blood, Drugs, and Chaos: Texas Shuts Down Gang-Infested Hotel

A crime-infested hotel in El Paso linked to the violent Tren de Aragua gang is being shut down. The Gateway Hotel in Texas faced 693 police calls in two years, leading to its forced closure.

Tren de Aragua, Venezuela’s most feared gang, is exploiting the U.S. border crisis to spread chaos. The gang’s presence in El Paso led to drug deals, assaults, and violence at the once-condemned hotel.


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‘They Sacrifice People for Money’: Joe Rogan Slams American Food Industry

Rampage Jackson reveals how he effortlessly shed pounds in Colombia while enjoying his meals, highlighting the struggle with preservatives and additives in American food that hinder weight loss.

JACKSON: “Why they us doing us like that?”

ROGAN: “… they make money. They don’t give a fk . The same thing is why they over prescribe medications, the same thing why they send us off to war: They don’t give a fk.”

Full Post: https://x.com/UngaTheGreat/status/1811224824519516364

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